
Keep up with the latest news from Kern Regional Center, California Department of Developmental Services and other local resources.

About Us

Kern Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

Board of Directors

The Kern Regional Center Board of Directors is composed of at minimum 10 individuals with demonstrated interest in developmental disabilities…

Clients and Families

Kern Regional Center’s purpose is to provide supports and services to individuals with developmental disabilities to help them achieve an independent, productive, and satisfying life.

Your Rights

Kern Regional Center (KRC) encourages individuals to report suspected or actual illegal or improper activity, financial or otherwise. KRC will not condone any activity that is illegal or improper, whether done by an employee, board member, vendor or contractor.

Service Providers

Find training information, up to date legislative information, regulations and vendor forms for service providers.

News & Events

Kern Regional Center would like to share information with you on upcoming trainings, webinars, community events and news.

Clients & Families

Kern Regional Center’s purpose is to provide supports and services to individuals with developmental disabilities to help them achieve an independent, productive, and satisfying life.

Foster Grandparent Program

The Kern Regional Center Foster Grandparent Program establishes person-to-person relationships between limited income adults, 55 years of age and older, to children receiving services from the Regional Center.

Service Provider Resources

Find training information, up to date legislative information, regulations and vendor forms for service providers.


We are committed to providing to the public maximum access to information about our organization while maintaining required client confidentiality and compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and contract requirements with the Department of Developmental Services.


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