Public Meeting Announcement – AB637
Kern Regional Center (KRC) is petitioning the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) for approval of an AB637 waiver to waive California Code of Regulations, Title 17 §56088 (b)(7), which states “that the family home shall be used exclusively as a residence by the FHA which issued the Certificate of Approval.
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Public Meeting Announcement for FHA Provider to continue to operate business
637 Waiver for FHA Provider to Operate Business from Home- Proposal for Public
A public meeting for comments on this proposal will be held on April 6, 2023, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 813 1547 3813
Passcode: 778711
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Written comments can also be sent to: Alejandra Chavez, Community Services Specialist and AFHA Liaison at through April 6, 2023.