The One Book Project: Red Carpet Movie Night
701 Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301
You are cordially invited to dress up, walk the red carpet, and take photos with family and friends at our specially-made selfie station. Mingle while visiting our “Self Help Yourself” tables with information and swag from Kern County organizations that serve the special needs community members. Discover new programs, services, and resources before learning about Inclusion Films and seeing their short film then
watching the main film attraction, Rising Phoenix.
Rising Phoenix tells the ground-breaking story behind the Paralympic Games sharing personal stories from the athletes and the exhilarating highs and lows of competing on the world’s stage. This film will challenge the way you think about living with a disability.
The One Book Project is a countywide reading and discussion project that fosters empathy, promotes awareness, and strengthens the fabric of our community by exploring the themes in this year’s One Book selection: Sitting Pretty, The View From My Ordinary Resilient Disabled Body by Rebekah Taussig. Sitting Pretty is available for check out in print, eBook, eAudiobook, & book on CD from the Kern County Library. Also available for purchase from local bookstores.
Photos, Mingling, and Tabling: 6 – 6:20pm
Learn About Inclusion Films w/Executive Director, Dale Oprandy and Short Film produced by Inclusion Films: 6:20 – 7:15pm
Main Attraction Rising Phoenix (1:45 Minutes): 7:15 – 9pm