Clients & Families

Person Centered Practices

Put individuals first, listen carefully and learn who they are and what they want from life, then work together to set goals, create personalized plans, and put them into practice….

Self Determination Program

The Department of Developmental Services is developing a new program, called the Self-Determination Program that will let participants have more control over selecting their services and supports….

Individual Program Planning

Find tools and information about planning for your Individual Program Plan (IPP)….

AmeriCorps & Foster Grandparent Program

The Kern Regional Center Foster Grandparent Program establishes person-to-person relationships between limited income adults, 55 years of age and older, to children receiving services from the Regional Center…..

Employment First

Kern Regional Center is committed to working on identifying employment opportunities for people with developmental disabilities who want to work...

Purchase of Services

The Purchase of Service Policies, referred to as Service Guidelines, provide direction about the types of services that KRC may purchase for consumers. Each regional center develops its own service guideline policy that is unique to the community that it serves...

Service Provider Directory

Welcome to our Service Provider Directory and Map. Using this interactive map you can find the closest Service Provider by typing in the search box your address or you can put in your zip code….

DDS & Resources

The California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) works to ensure Californians with developmental disabilities have the opportunity to make choices and lead independent, productive lives as members of their communities in the least restrictive setting possible...

Early Start

The Early Start program is California’s response to the federal legislation ensuring that early intervention service for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families are provided in a coordinated family-centered system of services that are available statewide...

Child Find

Kern Regional Center participates in child find activities which is a vital part of our commitment to locate and identify all infants and toddlers (under age 3) who may be eligible for the Early Start program...

Am I Eligible?

Would you like to find out if you or a family member is eligible to receive services through Kern Regional Center?

Intake & Assessment

Registration for assessment and evaluation to determine eligibility for regional center services is accomplished through the intake process…